When I became a single parent there was so much pressure to go to work. My kids had already suffered from the split, I had been a stay home mom so this would be a huge adjustment for them. I looked for things I could do at or near home. When it was evident I could no longer pay the rent I was humbled to accept on offer of someone who had a camper I could use. A friend had a camp connection and I ended up at a wonderful summer camp. I parked the trailer and worked in the kitchen for room and board. The kids had access to me 24/7. What a wonderful unexpected answer to my dreadful situation. I hold to the fact that at that time leaving the kids would be detrimental to them at that time and I held on to my value of being there for them. I know it sounds crazy and I think most of my friends and family thought I had lost it. I believe if we hold out for what we believe in, the answers show up. Was it my dream to live in a camper with three kids? I don't think so... but it became our adventure. Good things show up in unexpected ways. My hope is for single moms to be able to support their kids by having at least one of their jobs out of the home or with flexibility to work around the kids schedule. I know their are creative ways to start businesses. In fact in Washington State there is a loan program called Washington Cash http://washingtoncash.org/ .
As people of integrity and values it is amazing what liars we can be. I know I hate it and when I called myself out, my life began to change. I found myself saying "I'd give anything to have one of those". NOT, I wouldn't give anything, it is a lie. When hoping for something great to happen I would find myself saying "it'll never happen". Is that the truth? My coach challenge is to look at the things you are saying to yourself and ask if it is true. Notice your self talk and check for lies. Some how statements like these just slide by when they are in regards to ourselves, however they are very damaging and limiting. When you recognize the lies in your self talk, reframe them, say them different, speak the truth. “When there is no enemy within, the enemies outside cannot hurt you.”
― Winston S. Churchill ![]() What is your belief system? or b.s.? What is holding you back from taking a step toward your dream? I can't because... It won't work... some times reality gets in the way. Re-framing our limiting self destructive cant's with "What If". What if even though it seems impossible some how some way it can work. That opens the door to other options, other possibilities. Can you think of one limiting belief that is getting in your way? How can you re-frame or re word it. Most of the time we have to convince our mind of the possibilities, speak it and make it happen. What if.... |
Author, Life Coach, Seattle traffic reporter
Laurie was a single mom, whose hopes and dreams helped her survive the tough times. Her dreams are manifesting with the release of a new book Did Not See That Coming. Archives
March 2019